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General information

About ANS in Wałcz

The University of Applied Sciences in Wałcz (ANS) was founded on July 1, 2004. Despite its young age, it has become the leading college in the region of Wałcz.

Our mission is to gather and forward knowledge, as well as to foster entrepreneurship and culture; to build spaces for business in sharing and applying knowledge; finally, to generate incentives for the growth of sport and culture.

University of Applied Sciences in Wałcz  provides students with full-time and extramural degree (Bachelor, Master, Engineering). Our range of courses includes areas falling within the scope of Economic Science, Administration, Management, Technology, Humanities and Physical Education. In addition, the University offers aquisition of additional qualifications, in the form of professional training to the teaching profession in terms of the knowledge aquired in the course of the major field of study.

Such a wide range of educational offers ample choise of study according to the profile of interests and passsion of students in order to be competitive in a tough job market.

The University provides modern methods of education and professional learning facilities. We offer ample opportunities for students to develop their interests,  students initiatives, entertainment and sport.

University of Applied Science in Wałcz is a public institution of higher education, which consists of 3 Institutes:

  • Administration and Economic Sciences Institute
  • Pedagogy and Physical Education Institute
  • Engineering and Management Institute

Studying at our University allows to acquire knowledge and gain the practical skills needed, above all, to the profession, which provides our graduates more competitive in the labor market.

Regioal Centre For Research and Development

November 4, 2014 the University has signed an agreement with the Board of the West Pomeranian Province for the implementation of the project entitled „Regional Centre for Research and Development” co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund under the Regional Operational Programme 2007-2013 the West Pomeranian. The main objectives of the project is to increase the capacity development of innovative enterprises in industries by providing them with access to modern research facilities and increase the transfer of innovation into the economy by strengthening the capacity of infrastructure and Research & Development, which significantly increase the level of competitiveness and innovativeness of the economy in this part of the province. The Centre consists of the following laboratories:

  • Laboratory of Rapid Prototyping;
  • Laboratory of Advanced Measurement Technologies;
  • Laboratory of Hydro-Jet Technologies;
  • Laboratory of Laser Technologies;
  • Laboratory of Manufacturing Technologies.

University students during their studies become familiar with the functioning of the Centre facilities and will be able to participate in the conduct of the research. Opportunities offered to our students created by the Centre will make them better seen and perceived by a future employers.

Students Government

Run by students, the Students’ Government is independent of the school authorities. The purpose of this democratically elected body  is to represent students both within the institution and externally, regarding both local and national issues. The youthful enthusiasm of its members provides students with facilities, support and services.

The students can also satisfy their scientific passions and interests in Student Research Groups, where, with some help from their tutors, students can gain experience, expand their knowledge and improve their skills. PWSZ offers a Career Office to help students find job information and good transfers.

Throughout the studies attention is paid both to theoretical knowledge and practical skills, thanks to which our graduates are sought after by employers.

Students in Wałcz have the opportunity to develop their interests and passions by participating in various University academic, cultural, sports organizations and events, which include:

  • conferences, seminars, debates,
  • meetings in the National Career Week,
  • cultural and sports events,
  • Student Government,
  • Student Associations,
  • Student Sports Association,
  • Sports Volunteer Centre

What International Students Should  Note About The Language Policy:

The official language of the University is Polish.

All foreign students have a Mentor (teacher) and a Buddy (student) who help with all the administrative and everyday matters and in the communication as well.

All the foreign students are encouraged to take the ECTS course of the Polish Language (OU.IPS.2014.C7.W3/S4.09.7).

Foreign students may attend other language courses (German, English), even if they have not declared them in the LAs.

Remember, only specific programmes are presented in English. Some of them may not be organized unless there are enough enrolled students.

All courses taught in Polish are freely available for in-coming students. Yet,if the students want to get credits of the courses, they are expected to know Polish, at least, to level B1 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment (CEFR).

No matter which language you can speak, you can freely participate in all the events organized for the students of ANS in Wałcz.